behind the event
Girls are often forced to leave school at the age of 12-13 because their families cannot afford school fees. Often these girls are forced in marriages, or work with no hope of changing their futures, they come from rural areas, and without an Education have little hope. School in the rural areas is often under tree, but when we provide an education the girls get to go to a community school with a quality education.
Meet the girls who’s lives will be forever changed by your contribution and involvement in 8x8 To Educate.
Hortencia is an orphan, who was living in an abusive home with her brother and his wife. Hortencia is currently in year 12 and has good grades, she dreams of becoming a computer technician and having a home of her own.
Jasmim was living with her Grandmother in a makeshift home with her sisters. She was shy, and embarrssed and hardly spoke. One of her sisters had sponsorship but Jasmim was about to be forced to leave school. We could not leave Mozambique without agreeing to cover the costs of her education, she was one of the reasons we started 8×8 when we got home. Now she is studying and doing extremely well and wants to be a doctor when she completed high school. She is currently studying year 11.
Grade 7. Raquel met Celia in the streets of Beria when Celia was handing out Menstrual pads and begged her for a job. She was about to be forced out of school and into marriage. She is just 12 years old. She dreams of becoming a nurse. Celia went to her school and found out she was an excellent student and presented her case to 8×8, of course we accepted her immediately into the Program.
The Technical Institute
8×8 provides new and second hand goods we collect from the community to schools and technical institutes, to ensure that girls have access to computers, chairs, desks, and the equipment they need to learn a trade.
Irene Chibwale, in Grade 5 at the prince of peace school in Tanzania, Dadoma. Irene is the youngest of 5 children and her family could not pay the school fees. She dream of becoming a nurse. 8×8 is currently covering the school free, uniforms, books and her transport to and from school.
Pudensiana Lyamba, in Grade 6 who is also studying at the Prince of Peace schools in Tanzania, Dadoma. Pudensiania lives at home with her parents and 4 other siblings. Her dream is to become a doctor. 8×8 is currently covering the school free, uniforms, books and her transport to and from school.
Ester Stanley is 16 years old and is currently in Form 1 at Mvumi Makulu Secondary School. Her desired career would be nursing. Ester had great community spirit and regularly volunteers. She is the youngest of 4 siblings. 8×8 is currently sponsoring her school fees, uniforms, books and her accommodation as she needs to live near the school.
Happiness Ngosi is 15 years old and is currently in Form 1 at Dr John Samwel Malecela Secondary School, a government school in Dodoma. Happiness is planning to become a doctor. Happiness is the middle child of 8 children. 8×8 is currently sponsoring her school fees, uniforms, books and her accommodation as she needs to live near the school.
Glady, Angel and Anita
We have great pleasure to announce that in 2022 8×8 has expanded its program to include three new students from Tanzania. Please meet Anita, Angel and Gladys. These girls are part of the Dodoma Project and all three wish to study to work in the fields of Medicine and Nursing. Access to healthcare is a huge challenge in these communities and these girls will make a huge impact in the years to come.
get involved
There are several ways you can help 8x8 To Educate. From entering the art award, volunteering or simply donating. Find out more.
dignity project
Purchase a reusable menstrual pad or pack of pads, and help a girl in Africa complete her education.
make a donation
We need your support. Make a one-off donation or set up regular monthly contributions to help educate girls in Africa.
enter award
Send your artwork to a worthy cause and you could win $1000 cash for adults and a gift pack for kids.
get your school involved
8x8 can help you run your own school event and exhibition to raise funds and also sell them here online.
buy a book
Rina's Story by Natasha Yates and illustrated by Katura and her sister Tiki is a lovely gift and its purchase helps African kids.
purchase artwork
Purchase a $30 original artwork from our online exhibition or next year's exhibition.